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Canada’s leading news site on fisheries and aquaculture industries which delivers a delicious discourse for all who love seafood and work in the sustainable harvest of our oceans. The news portal, powered by a group of veteran journalists, also serves as partner to the BC Seafood Festival, the largest of its kind on the west coast of Canada, held every June in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, which proudly produces all of British Columbia’s shellfish and the most oysters in Canada.

Stock Market Quotes

We provide editorial services, consultancy and content writing to the Market One Media group, which is Canada’s leading marketing agency for public companies. With more than 60 collective years of capital markets experience and a Google certified team, Market One Media crafts stories and takes them directly to millions in the business and finance sectors using targeted algorithms, proprietary digital marketing techniques, and placement on top-tier financial platforms.

Office Conversation

From medical marijuana to waste solutions to education and nutraceuticals, Fabian Dawson Media works on international business development projects in India, China, S. Korea, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Hong Kong, the European Union and North America. Our representatives are stationed across the world to provide immediate market intel, pounce on potential opportunities to help companies navigate complex bureaucratic pathways.

People Clapping

Fabian Dawson Media works to develop specific issue-related and fund raising campaigns and delivers measurable results for organizations like the B.C. Salmon Farmers Association, B.C. Milk, Fortis B.C., Metro Vancouver Crimestoppers, Sprott Shaw College, ABLE Orphanage, Western Canadian Herbs, New Canadian Media collective, The Post Group of newspapers and MOSAIC, one of the largest settlement non-profit organizations in Canada.

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